As this year comes to an end and we begin looking into the next one I’ve decided to publish my goals for the next year in a hope that this will help keep my accountable to reaching them.

Visit Scotland

We’ve planned a trip for this fall to visit England Scotland and Ireland. This is one of our major family goals this year. I am very excited for this trip and It will be one of our first big travels with our child.

Config 2024

I’ve already purchased my ticket and am Very excited to be able to attend in person this year. I’m hopeful to get to connect with some web peers and get chatting more about design, tokens, accessibility, and how we use our tools.

Continue “1 Post a Week”

I’ve really enjoyed the challenge these past few months of holding myself accountable to publish 1 post a week. Some weeks are definitely easier than others, but as I want to continue getting better at writing and sharing knowledge I feel like this is a good goal to continue to hold onto in the coming year. Additionally, even at just 1 post a week, that’s 52 posts a year! and if you ask me, that’s kind of amazing.

Publish 1 larger “Essay” style post a quarter

I was really proud of the work I put into Be a Design A11y, and it’s something I’d like to be able to repeat. In addition to putting out 1 post a week, I’d like to try and publish one larger “Essay” style post a quarter. These posts could be about anything, but will probably focus on accessibility, design, and design tokens, especially if we get some good movement on design tokens in 2024.

Quarterly Check-ins

Similar to “week in review” or “vibe-check” style posts. I’d like to take time each quarter to reflect on any progress made towards goals, life changes, or just how I am feeling at in the current season. I feel like these check-ins are a good way to see progress being made over time, as during the hustle of day-to-day operations it may seems like nothing is changing.

Accessibility Playbook

I would really like to keep developing content and tooling around my Accessibility Playbook. The goal when I started this project was for it to be a place where I could collect knowledge and resources that I reference and share out to people as I work with accessibility. As I continue to grow, learn, and find new resources I would like to add them to my playbook and grow it into a sort of useful reference manual for myself and my teams.

A Conference Talk or Course

I’ve never given a conference talk or written a course before, and it’s something I want to push myself to try. Even if it doesn’t pan out the process of creating and researching for these items can become blog posts, or add to other items I am working on.

That’s it for now. I hope 2024 bring new experiences and interesting challenges to overcome. Here’s to 2024 🥂

Adam Sedwick

I work on Design systems and Advocate for Accessibility on the web.



Design Systems

Design Tokens

Web Accessibility

Web Design

Web Development

Open Web Standards